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  • How long does the inspection take?
    Inspection length varies based on the size of the home and what types of issues are found. The more issues, the longer the inspection takes. Inspections typically last 2 to 4 hours for single family homes and town homes. Condo inspections are usually 1 1/2 hours or less.
  • Do you inspect pools?
    No, I do not perform pool inspections. Many pools, spas, jacuzzis, etc include specialized equipment some of which may be very specific to the product and/or manufacturer. It is recommended that a company that sells, installs, and maintains pools and other such equipment be retained to inspect these items.
  • Do you do repair inspections?
    I do perfom inspections of repairs. Repairs must be made by appropriate contractors and/or qualified and licensed tradespersons under permits when appropriate. I require a copy of the repair request list and copies of any and all available permits, receipts, details etc prior to performing the repair request inspection. I will not inspect repairs made by homeowners or unlicensed associates of homeowners. If for some reason I arrive at the property, and it appears that repairs have been made by a homeowner or unlicensed associate I will still go ahead with listing deficiencies, but there will be a substantial disclaimer in particular for this case.
  • What is your service area?
    I provide home inspections, termite &wdi inspections, and radon testing in the following counties in NJ: Salem, Gloucester, Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Atlantic, Ocean, Monmouth, Cape May, and Mercer I provide home inspections only in the following counties in PA; Delaware & Philadelphia
  • Do you inspect detached garages?
    Both detached and attached garages and carports are required to be inspected by a home inspector as part of a home inspection. This refers to those for personal/family vehicles, and does not refer to boat, rv, unusual other garages, etc. I charge an additional fee for detached garages based on the number of spaces for vehicles. Garages do not include those detached buildings other than the main home which have finished living space over and/or adjacent to the garage spaces. I will inspect these buildings if an appropriate fee is agreed upon. The pricing for such an inspection is on a case by case basis.
  • Who will be doing the inspection?
    I will be, John Hare. I am the only inspector
  • How do I schedule an appointment?
    You can call me at (856) 553-5444 You can also submit an inquiry using contact forms available on this website, but I will still need to talk to you to finalize details.
  • Do you inspector other outbuildings or detached buildings other than garages?
    I do inspect outbuildings and other detached buildings other than garages. I charge an additional fee for detached buildings based on the size of the building and whether or not the building contains other living space such as a guest house. Guest houses or buildings with other living space such as apartments are charged at the same rate as regular home inspections with a discount for travel provided I am performing the home inspection on the main residence on the same day as well.
  • Do I have to be at the inspection?
    You don't have to be at the inspection, but it is recommended that you attend. You will have to sign an electronic pre-inspection agreement, and pay for the inspection electronically prior to the inspection.
  • Are you licensed?
    Yes I am a licensed home inspector in the State of New Jersey. You can check my license number at the New Jersey State License Verification Site My Home Inspector License # 24GI00143100 For PA, I am a member of a professional organization of home inspectors, and I have completed over 100 paid home inspections as required by the State of Pennsylvania. There is no license for home inspectors in Pennsylvania.
  • What kind of tools do you use?
    Infrared Camera 4' Level 2' Level Plumb Bob Tape Measures Ladders Microwave Tester Screw Drivers Impact Driver Combustible Gas Detector Carbon Monoxide Detector Carbon Dioxide Detector Non-contact Voltage Tester Multi-meter Receptacle Testers Flashlights Contact Thermometer Infrared Thermometer and More
  • Who makes repairs?
    Who makes repairs is by agreement between the home buyer and seller typically, or up to you if you are or will be the owner of the home when repairs are made. It is recommended that those contractors making repairs be appropriately licensed and/or certified when necessary. One person who absolutely does not make repairs is me, the home inspector. This is by New Jersey law. The home inspector is not permitted to make repairs or perform other work on the home whether paid, otherwise compensated, or for free. This is forever. Once I inspect a home, I can never perform work or make repairs on that home.
  • Do you go on the Roof? in the Attic? in Crawl Spaces?
    I go on most roofs, in most attics, and most crawl spaces. If there are hazards, I will do my best to inspect these areas but I may not be able to walk all roofs or enter all crawl spaces/attics.
  • What forms of payment do you take?
    Personal Check, Cashiers Check, Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal
  • Who pays for repairs?
    Who pays for repairs in a home sale depends on what is agreed upon between the seller and the buyer. This has a lot to do with the real estate purchase agreement or contract which by the time you have your home inspection you have most often, over 99% of the time, already signed. To get a better understanding of this, it is best to read this agreement(s) and speak to your realtor and/or attorney about who is responsible for repair costs.
  • What does a home inspection include?
    The home inspection will cover most of the home and parts of the property which may affect it. Items inspected include: Exterior doors & windows Siding, wall cladding & flashing Roof including skylights, vents, chimneys etc Gutters & downspouts Porches, patios, decks, balconies & other appurtenances The drainage & grading of the property as it affects the home Retaining walls affecting the home Garages, garage doors & carports The heating system The cooling system Supply plumbing Waste plumbing Permanent plumbing fixtures Sump pumps Water heaters & boilers Electrical distribution GFCI and AFCI circuits Electrical service drop Other permanently attached appliances Home structure including foundation & framing Basements, crawlspaces & attics Floors, walls & ceilings Stairs, ramps, handrails & guards Fireplaces Insulation Ventillation Other visible safety issues and More. The home inspection comes with a digital report with photos and explanations.
  • Are you licensed to test for radon?
    I have a certification from the State of New Jersey DEP. Radon Measurement Technician Certification # MET13499
  • When will we get the radon test results?
    3 to 8 Days from the Placement of the Test. Barring unforeseen unmitigable circumstances such as voided tests, car accidents, etc. The breakdown: 2 to 4 Days - Test performed. The State of New Jersey requires short term tests be placed at the home for no less than 2 days, and my tests are maximum 4 days by design. 1 Day - Turnaround once the lab recieves the test. My tests are read by a State licensed laboratory over hours and hours (counting radioactive decays from the sample), and I pay them extra to expedite the test to the next day. 3 Days - Possible additional holiday or maximum weekend time. Longest scenario without a holiday is a test submitted to the laboratory after 5 pm on a Friday. The test is received by the lab Monday, and results are returned on Tuesday.
  • What do I do if radon results come back above the action level, aka high?
    If the radon result comes back above the action level of 4.0 pCi/L, then the home requires mitigation to bring the radon levels down. According to the NJDEP, the cost to mitigate a single family home is about $1,200 on average ranging from around $500 to $2,500 (Please be aware that I have not determined if these estimates have been updated since 2019. Prices may differ substantially, and the best way to understand the cost is to get an estimate for a specific home from at least one licensed radon mitigator.) A list of radon mitigators in New Jersey can be found at this third party link Click on the link "Certified Radon Mitigation Business" Please be aware that I am not affiliated with these businesses, I have no experience with them, and I do not endorse them. I am only including this contact info to help you get started. I do not install radon mitigation systems. By law, home inspectors may not make repairs or perform work on a home they have previously inspected in the State of New Jersey.
  • What is radon gas?
    Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. It forms naturally from the decay of other radioactive elements, such as uranium, deep in the ground. Radon can move out of the ground into the home where it can be trapped. Increased radon gas levels have been linked to increased rates of lung cancer.
  • Can I hire you only for the termite & wdi inspection?
    I currently do not perform termite & wdi inspections without performing the home inspection.
  • Who treats for pests if pests are found?
    Homes are treated by New Jersey State licensed commercial pesticide applicators. This is typically category 7B for wood destroying insects. There are many companies to choose from. A reputable company is best, but there is no harm in looking around for a reasonable deal as well. Always understand what you are getting including warranties before you buy. I do not treat homes. As I perform the home inspection with all my termite & wdi inspections, I am not allowed to treat the homes I inspect. In New Jersey, home inspectors are not permitted to perform repairs or other work on the homes they inspect.
  • What is a termite and wdi inspection?
    A termite and wdi inspection is a termite and wood destroying insect inspection. These inspections cover the following: Subterranean Termites Drywood Termites Carpenter Ants Carpenter Bees Wood Boring Beetles Although these are also discussed in my home inspection reports, they are focused on in the termite & wdi inspection and report.
  • Are you licensed to inspector for termites and other wood destroying insects?
    There is no inspector's license for inspecting for termites and other wood destroying insects in New Jersey. Like many home inspectors, I carry a commercial pesticide applicator license category 7B for wood destroying insects. This is the license which is typically viewed as acceptable to perform the inspection and fill out an NPMA-33 form. My license number is Commercial Pesticide Applicator Lic. # 58228B

If you have a question you don't see an answer for call

or use this form

Documents and Links

The above is a link to a third party, NJ Department of Consumer Affairs, website to the rules and regulations for home inspectors/inspections in the State of New Jersey which includes the standards of practice.
The above is a link to a third party, NJDEP, website of the radon potential map for New Jersey.
The above is a link to a third party,, website for "A Citizen's Guide to Radon".
The above is a link to a third party, NJDEP, website for "Radon Testing and Mitigation: The Basics".
Good Counsel Home Inspections, LLC
100 East Chestnut St,
Clayton, NJ 08312
John J. Hare
Home Inspector Lic. #24GI00143100
Commercial Pesticide Applicator Lic. #58228B
InterNACHI ID #NACHI16020714
Radon Measurement Technician Certification # MET13499








8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

9:00am – 7:00pm

9:30am – 6:00pm

© 2016-2022 by Good Counsel Home Inspections, LLC.

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